Our friend Indre hosted a Hallowe’en party/benefit for Cancer.

Hallowe’en is not big in Australia but apparently it is becoming increasingly popular and I say YAY!!! Daryl and I waited until the last minute and could not decide what to be for Hallowe’en so we went to a costume hire place. We won the award for Most Original costume. I would not say that our costume was politically correct but I was happy that it was a Canadian costume. I told everyone that we were Metis!

When we got out of the car someone driving by called out to us in a not so politically correct way. I am guessing because they don’t realize that it is racist to make those kinds of noises [most people I have met here don't know that you are supposed to refer to Indians in Canada as First Nation. Daryl did yell out that it was racist;)
The theme for the night was “Ghouls night in” so I can understand why everyone chose scary costumes. I have always liked “nice” friendly costumes myself.
The idea was to play games, paying $8 for a VIP package and then donating what you would spend on an average night out. The girls raised close to $300! Woohoo Indy!
One of the games was a Hallowe’en quiz and at first I thought for sure I would do well and let’s be honest here... all I was thinking was “I am the one who grew up trick or treating – if I don’t know the answers how can I admit I am Canadian?”!! Some of the questions were hard!! I was thinking “how did they find these questions?!”
Daryl came in SECOND!! All I can say is “CHEATER CHEATER PUMPKIN EATER”!!! He copied more than a few answers off of me but he still beat me. I can’t believe I am admitting this! I have always loved Hallowe’en! What has Australia done to me?! ;)